
Poems about Motherhood

Oh… What’s in a name.

My first born. Sophrosyne. Noun. The name full of soft syllables without any final consonants. It’s like a song that speaks to me; with a voice that soothes. reminding me of every extremity of life I overcame. She is strong with a fortitude of love. She is everything I dreamed of and more. She makes […]

To my unborn child.

I’m not quite sure why you won’t be born. And perhaps I didn’t even ask because I knew that this might be for the better. That if it was an ideal situation for you to be born, then you would be progressing along just fine. I learned that the natural course of nature works that

The crucible of my love. Sophrosyne (my daughter).

I’m overcome with tears of joy. Because I’m proud of myself. I had a long-overdue homework assignment I have been procrastinating. An outcome and decision that I knew was coming; merely waiting to materialize. I feel like I’ve won a long-time struggle I had with myself; perhaps my own wrestling with the face of God;

Becoming a mother.

I realized. I realized I was deathly afraid. Deathly afraid of change and changing. I was afraid of the transformation from being a girl, to a woman, to becoming a mother. I was so afraid and my whole body, my entire being was screaming. My physical body was stretched, ripped, bruised and bleeding. And I

To my son, Invictus.

When you grow older And realize the reality of this doomed world. When you come to an age where you understand the darkness and grow skeptical and cynical. When you begin to question your own existence and the existence of humanity altogether. And perhaps are puzzled by your own unhappiness and the sheer hardships of

The reflection of me in her (my daughter).

It’s like…through her, I’m healed. Every ounce of hate and self-loathing I’ve ever felt in my entire life dissipates in a moment because I see my face in hers. even when I look in the mirror, her face reflects mine. 마치… 그 아이를 통해, 난 치유된 것 같다. 평생 느꼈던 모든 증오와 자기혐오감이 한순간에 사라져

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